Remind 101

Dear Parents and Students,

Yesterday in the afternoon, I sent a text message that showed how to unsubscribe from my Remind 101 texts that I have periodically sent.  Need a refresher? For my on-level ILA classes, text unsubscribe @mrsjila to (424) 543-7227.

For my PAP ILA class, text unsubscribe @papil to (424) 543-7227.  You may not want my text messages when the new school year starts in a couple of months.  Enjoy your summer holiday, dear ones. I’ll be heading to the library tomorrow to get a stack of books for reading.  I’ve already read over 70 books this year and plan to hit the 100 mark before the school year begins, if possible.  Take care, and God bless.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Here I am reading already.

Here I am reading already.