Russia and the Eurasian Republics Test and Review Activity

We will have a test over both of our geography and history BOKs on Friday, February 8. If you are absent, please come in and take the test on Monday after school to keep the information fresh in your mind. I’ll go over the review in class and then have another review activity for you. I’m taking a poll through Google Classroom during your social studies class period. Always be kind, and do good.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Word Skills Quiz – Monday

We will have a word skills quiz on Monday, September 14, and I expect my students to know the parts of speech as well.  We are working on the steps to writing a personal narrative based on an incident in their lives that has made a significant impact. I look forward to reading their words of art as we make progress towards our project’s completion.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Quiz on Thursday

We will have a quiz over elements of fiction and plot on Thursday, September 3. I went over the notes for fiction today and will cover the plot notes tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know what’s coming. I look forward to reading the IVAN CAPP Booklets that are due tomorrow, September 1. Have a marvelous Monday!

Mrs. Johnson <><