Cougar Camp Success

We had another successful Cougar Camp today at Clark Middle School.  Here are a couple of the decorations I had ready for my students. Some of my students will see me for both integrated language arts (ILA) and social studies (World Cultures & Geography). It will be fun.

Prepared for future announcements and accomplishments for students on team 6A (the hallway where my classroom is located).

I am a “house divided” in that both ILA and social studies will be taught in my classroom this year.

Parents, I will update my information pages for tutorial times and days and duty weeks when I have it. So, what do I want for my classes since it’s nearly tax-free weekend? I’m glad you asked!


ILA – three-ring notebook (closer to two inch size!), pencils, notebook paper (more than one pack because I am not the only class in which it will be utilized), composition notebook, reading book (chapter style, not graphic novels, please).

Social Studies – three ring notebook (closer to two inch size!), pencils, colored pencils and markers (as needed)

General Supplies – facial tissues aka Kleenex because every year I have students with allergies, and they come in handy during the fall and winter! Thanks in advance.

Mrs. Johnson <><

My Sad Little Grade Book

I have had several students absent or missing work over the past few days. As a result, my grade book is sad because there are holes in it. Holes that mean missing work. Please come in to see me if your parents received an email about absent and/or late work. My door is open at 7:55 A.M. I will be there even if I have stepped away for a moment. PLEASE come in to take care of your missing work. Thank you.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Enjoy Your Holiday!

Dear Students,

I am enjoying a different schedule than we normally share. I drink my coffee later in the morning. I take my walks when the sun is out of bed. I cook a full pan of bacon for my college-aged son who is home for the next few weeks. I have returned to full-time homemaker mode and love it. Today, I have to dash to the store for more flour to bake more sugar cookies. They are his favorites. I hope this little missive finds you well. Drop a comment to let me know how your holidays are progressing.


Mrs. Johnson <><

Web Site Work Week

We will spend the days of next week working on the web sites for the Europe Google Site Project. I will have only one set of Chromebooks to use, so students’ time will be divided in half. Part of the time, they will work on their flipped assignments from the Book of Knowledge, pp. 14-17, using pp. 292-299 of the NatGeo textbook. The other part of the time will be spent working on the web site itself. Because I have morning duty next week, coming in before school is not an option in my classroom. The web site is due Friday, December 9!!

Students, please use the class time that is given in a wise manner. If you need to work on your part at home, then do so to be ready. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Johnson <><

Stay Organized!

We will be organizing our binders for world cultures. I have the link of how it should look attached to the class calendar you see on the right hand side of my blog page. Please write your name on your notebook (binder) in the event that I find it in the hallway, I can return it to you.

Binders will be kept in students’ lockers. Students will be expected to bring their binders to class each day unless specifically directed not to do so. The binders will contain the BOK (Book of Knowledge) that has the bulk of notes and information needed for academic success in world cultures. I have a few extra copies during this first unit. Once the Learning Hub is active, students will have to print the BOK if the first copy is lost. Thank you for understanding.

Mrs. Johnson <><

First Day, 2016-2017

We made it through the first day of middle school. Most students were able to open their lockers successfully. I distributed the course syllabus with its pink signature page. Please sign and return to me by Wednesday, August 24. I want to set up my first email blast as soon as possible. Schedules were mostly correct, but some students will pick up their copies of the syllabus on Tuesday. This is not a problem. Here is a wordle I created to represent class this year.

World Cultures Wordle

Mrs. Johnson <><

Welcome to My Class!

I just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to my World Cultures and Geography class for the 2016-2017 school year. We will look at the people, cultures, and landscapes all around this big blue marble we call Earth. I look forward to guiding your adventures as we travel the world through our studies. I hope you had fun at Cougar Camp today and that you were successful with your locker opening. You can come up to school tomorrow from 4:00-6:00 P.M. to set up your locker, or you can come in on Friday, August 12, from 9:00-11:00 A.M. to set up your locker. Feel free to check the pages on my blog. There is even a nifty flag counter of all the countries around the world where my webpage has been seen. If you have family in one of the countries not on my list, have them check it out.

For my class, you will need a one inch binder, eight divider tabs, pencils, and your planner that you will receive the first day of school. Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Welcome in Many Languages