Day Four of the Winter’s Grip

What type of figurative language did I use in the title of this post?*  We will review the parts of speech as we review for the test which will take place next week.  I want you to stay safe if you must travel outside, dear ones.  Continue to post your ideas on the previous post titled “Writing Time!”  Perhaps you’ll find an idea that you’ve not already considered.  When I said on Monday that I would see you next month, I had no idea how long it would be before I saw my students again.    I am ready to see you again; I think that caution is wise considering that the temperatures will not get above freezing until Saturday.  I am praying for sunshine to melt the ice, too.  I hope to see you on Monday!

Mrs. J <><

*By the way, I used personification–the attributing of human characteristics to inanimate objects or ideas.