Summer Journal # 1 – Mrs. J’s Response

Think about foods  you love to eat during the summer months.  You know I love food, so I thought I’d start there.  I’ll post my response in a day or two.  You are welcome to leave comments and/or jot ideas in your journal.

In the summer months, I love eating corn on the cob that’s been boiled on the stove top or grilled in aluminum foil.  I also love roasted vegetables including yellow squash, zucchini, and potatoes.  My third favorite summer time food would be snowcones.  I love to mix cherry and grape flavors together.  That is my all-time favorite at the Snow Cone Lady.  I’ve been hearing about Hula Island at College Parkway and Coit, so I will have to make a trek in a few days and take my family with me.  Check in a couple of days and find a new journal topic.  Take care.

Mrs. J <><