Christmas Break – Day One

Enjoy your Christmas break that began yesterday after school ended.  Visit the library to check out a few books to read, and read them for the pleasure of a good story.  Take time to talk to your grandparents face to face instead of staying glued to your device. Make a hot cup of cocoa for your mom or dad as a nice surprise. Let your sibling go first in the gift exchange at least once.  Visit the Frisco Square to see and hear the light show by tuning in your radio.  Savor your time of rest, dear ones.

I have my stack of novels sitting by my easy chair awaiting my perusal and have already started on two of them.  I have a few errands to run before Christmas Day on Tuesday; with the rain today, I will bundled up and toasty.  Please take care of yourselves, and bring me  a postcard if you travel somewhere out of state or out of the country.  God bless you, dear ones.

Mrs. Johnson<><