Sentence Structure and Diagramming

We worked with diagramming sentences today, and although my lesson plans read quiz on Tuesday over sentence structure, it won’t happen yet until I think that the students are ready and have had a little more practice.  Tonight’s homework was working with compound sentences.  They were to create them using the coordinating conjunctions and, or, nor, but, for, yet, and so.  It was not challenging and will be an easy completion grade tomorrow.  Please keep an eye on your grades on the HAC (Home Access Center) at least once a week.

As an additional exercise for the little grey cells, we worked on diagramming simple sentences.  They were getting the hang of it; I was so proud of them today!

Mrs. Johnson <><

P. S.  The lesson plans are up for the week using my Google calendar link on the right side of this page.  Good night!