Last Weekend of Winter

Here are my totals for the weekend, beloveds. March 15- 35 minutes, March 16 – 41 minutes

Bring your copy of Holes to class on Monday, March 17.  We will be reading in class, and I don’t want you to miss out on a single thing.  Also, wear green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  If you like Sonic Drive-In, give the cook in your family a break and head there on Monday.  The cheeseburgers are half-price all day long.  Enjoy!

I am about one-third of the way through House of Hades by Rick Riordan.  Hopefully, I can finish before tomorrow morning. If you see me before my coffee, don’t make eye contact because I’ve been up all night reading, most likely.

The Fabulous Mrs. Johnson <><

P. S. Remember the first day of spring is Thursday, March 20.