Running Shoes are On. . .

I teach in three classrooms right now. One of them is my former classroom where I taught ILA for eleven years. My students wait patiently for me to get set up, and then once I let them in, I start walking back and forth through the room surveying their work. I guess I’ve got my “running shoes” on. When it’s time to dismiss my large classes, I have been playing Rochambeau or rock, paper, scissors with one student. If I win, the students on the opposite side of the classroom leave first. If the student wins, his side leaves first when dismissal time comes. They seem to like it. More anon.

–Mrs. Johnson <><

Distance Teaching 101

We’ve had to implement distance learning, and it’s not quite the same for me. I miss seeing my students’ faces, hearing their voices, and talking to them in person face-to-face. Most kids have adapted to the new system and taken care of assignments. I have used Zoom, Remind, and Google Classroom along with emails and daily videos to stay in touch. We can finish strongly! Take care,  be kind, and do good!

Mrs. Johnson <><

Getting to the Textbook

To access the textbook we use in World Cultures & Geography, please go to the website

You will use your lunch number as part of your login. Here is an example. Use your own!

Fake Username for Demonstration only:

Your password is your eight digit birthdate. For example: 09242007

You will be able to access the entire textbook online.

Mrs. Johnson <><

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

We began working on our Elements of Culture projects by taking notes about the elements of culture encountered in our course study. Students were asked to write sentences about themselves. I sent a welcome email. Some students will be surprised when they have to complete a late work assignment notice tomorrow. I want it understood from the beginning: pay me now, or pay me later. If you complete your work, you pay me now. If you turn in your work late, you pay me later. The cost is higher. The stakes increase. It’s really quite simple.

Mrs. Johnson <><